Friday, June 8, 2018

The vaccination vivisection gravy train

I don't do any fancy posting. I don't make youtube videos with fancy slideshows.
What I do is post the facts.
The fact remains that forced vaccination is the easiest way to keep their gravy train from being derailed. And because people don't typically see the diseases, they believe it all works.
Pasteur spent his whole life trying to prove himself right, simply because he knew he was wrong. He plagiarized Bechamp and others - go look it up for yourself.
At the end of the day you wouldn't know until you get sick that sickness doesn't work by the premise Pasteur laid out - using disease to cure itself.
That's a lot like using dirt to clean with if you ask me.
The fact remains that what is shown as rabies or any other dis-ease is just that - the symptoms of our toxic lifestyles making us not at ease with ourselves, environment, and so on.
Prove to me it exists, that's all. Because at the same time, the speech doesn't add up. If these diseases are so life threatening, then why aren't they paid for by the gov't and made more freely available? Why is it that well over half of the human adult population at least are unvaccinated currently but there are no epidemics? Why is it that statistics show that people show signs of these diseases variably across all paradigms, from places of high and low or no vaccination numbers? It seems to me that the math doesn't add up.
They push these things under the premise of expertise - licensed this, professional that. Your only leg to stand on is your diploma which for all intents and purposes is useless and proves to me nothing.
It's like the old grizzled pro rassler who feels like the young guy doing flips and dives hasn't paid his dues because he hasn't worked the circuit going town to town for almost no pay trying to earn his cheers the hard way and instead has gotten there by doing flashy stunts. If you say you're a doctor and haven't actually healed yourself or anyone of anything, you haven't "paid your dues" so to speak. I personally couldn't care less about paperwork, and anyone who does is mentally laughable in my opinion. That is to say you have the mind of a fucking child and are mentally useless outside of an absurd imagination, which is cute but outside of that meaningless.
While I write this they are filling the sky with chemtrails which are all outlined in United states air force training documents going back for several decades now at least to the 1990's. You can look them up for yourself or go ask a friend who is in that industry.
So keep telling yourself that your problems are germs and lack of this or that approved treatment by so called expert person with credentials ranging from white to beige paper with gold or silver stamp and black or blue ink and nothing more than that.
Seriously, a website trying to explain to me rabies is simply stating what animals do. Especially in the case of cats, which have poor eyesight and are also animals which have a high amount of routine, thus if they don't trust for some reason and aren't sure they're liable to want to put their claws or teeth into the threat which may very well be you or your hand. Especially at an early age, where all animals begin in the stage of wanting to put things in their mouth, and so a kitten or puppy is prone to biting or nipping at things or eating different things. Especially with cats, which are fairly high strung and high alert animals, and depending on the cat, they will build to what you could call a boiling point, like anything really, and get overstimulated and overexcited and want to play and react like they do to fellow cats, and bite or claw a little. The claims of the so called description of a rabid animal are absurd outside of the supposed main one of the foaming at the mouth, which I'd suspect is the case of the animal coming into contact with some kind of rodent killing poison.
Shaw said professions are a conspiracy against the laity.
You decide.

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